Regardless if it is brand new for found in a flea market or yard sale. A Cast Iron piece can become a real treasure in your cooking world. More importantly you cast if seasoned and cared for properly will last a lifetime.
So you’ve conquered the cooking aisle or the rummage sale and come home with the prized Dutch oven. So what’s next?
- Well most cast iron oven most manufacturers put a protective coat on the item. Before you begin cooking, this coating needs to be removed. Also if you inherited or purchased a used Dutch oven it will need to be seasoned. Wash the piece with warm soapy water and scrub well. NOTE: This is the only time you will use soap on your Cast Iron.
- Completely dry with a paper towel. Make sure the oven is totally dry, place in an oven @ 200 deg F. for 15 min to finish.
- Remove Dutch from oven and set oven to 350 deg.
- Coat Dutch oven including lid with quite a bit of vegetable oil. Rub it in really good and wipe off excess.
- Place a oven liner in the bottom of the oven to catch drippings from cast.
- Place lid with handle up on the oven rack and the dutch oven upside down next to the lid. Bake 1 hour.
- Remove Dutch and wipe off excess oil.
- Apply another layer of oil inside and out.
- Follow step 6 bake 1 hour.
- When timer goes off, turn off oven and let cool in oven until it is cool enough to remove with bare hand.
- Wipe off any extra oil and apply another very light coat, wipe off any extra oil.
- Your Cast iron is seasoned, should be slightly shiny; and is now ready to go.
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