This is the basic list of equipment and utensils for cooking beginners. There may be other items you want to add. That's just fine! As long as a kitchen utensil or gadget works for you, and you use it, it's a good buy. Shop for quality over quantity, especially at first. I have several knives I bought 15 years ago that are still going strong. You can do the same.
- made of high carbon stainless steel
- 3 or 4" paring knife
- a serrated knife
- 8 or 10" chef's knife
Measuring Cups and Spoons
- Various sizes, in metal and plastic
- Get at least two sets of each, so you're not continually washing them as you cook
- glass measuring cups with spout, for liquids
- slotted spoon
- wooden spoons
- sturdy metal spoons
- Soup ladle
Mixing Utensils
- hand held electric mixer
- Wire whisks in different sizes
- eggbeater
- straight spatulas
- angle handle spatula
- rubber scraper spatulas
Sieves and Colanders
- nested varying size sieves, in stainless steel (work as flour sifters too)
- steel or plastic colander
Pots and Pans
- 1, 2, 4, and 8-quart saucepans with covers
- 12" skillet with covers
- 6 or 8" nonstick skillet
- roasting pan
- two 9" round cake pans
- 9" square cake pan
- 9"x13" baking pan
- 9"x5" loaf pan
- 9" pie pan
- 12 cup muffin tin
- cooling racks
- two cookie sheets
- swivel-bladed vegetable peeler
- grater with various sized holes
- rolling pin
- can opener
- kitchen timer
- kitchen shears
- corkscrew
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