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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Making the meal what it was meant to be

Can you believe the holidays are sneaking up on us so fast this year?! I love this time of year because it means fun with family and really good food. I was just thinking of a dinner I did a few year back that was a huge success for young and old alike. The holidays can be a stressful time for all involved, especially for the kids. Whenever you host a holiday gathering remember the little ones. They are jazzed!! And why not? You are, and they take their entire perception of life from you, right?

The only difference is you don't have anyone telling you to dress right, behave and don't make a mess. During the single most exciting time in a young child's life we tend to forget how much they want to be involved in being a part of the moment. So why not take an opportunity to put a spin on tradition and try an new twist on a formal setting? You may just create some unbeatable family memories.

Have little ones help decorate the table. (Not-so-little-ones may enjoy it, too.) Purchase a plain, light-colored tablecloth of the paper variety. Avoid the type that has plastic coating - cheap paper works best. Then, set out markers and crayons (be sure the markers won't run through the tablecloth) for everyone to decorate the table before dinner. It’ll make a pleasing sight while eating. Try adding some order to the decoration. Have each person decorate his/her place setting. Draw placemats at the seats and have each person sign his/her name and decorate the “placemat.” If you’re brave, purchase a plain cloth tablecloth and Sharpie markers. Then, ask each guest to sign the tablecloth and write what he/she is thankful for, or a message to the hostess. It’ll make a nice keepsake for each year, and it can be washed without losing the signatures. (If only the same could be said about the gravy stains!)

Whatever you do to make your dinner times more pleasant, always remember to include everyone into your night whether it be small children or your best friend who is really uncomfortable in a formal setting. There is always a middle ground, and the last thing you want is a guest wondering how to behave instead of enjoying the wonderful meal the way it was meant to be.

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